Damavand Mountain

If you`re a climber, you`ve surly heard of Damavand mountain.

Damavand is located at the north of Iran, Mazandaran province.

Damavand Mountain
Photo By Farhad Hamrah

This mountain is the highest of Iran and highest dormant volcano in Asia. Also a symbol of erectness and stability in Persian culture and a national symbol of Iran.

In winter, temperature of Damavand`s altitude reduces to -60 degrees and in summer, to -2 degrees.

Climate of Damavand hillside is very pleasant in summer and spring.

Damavand Mountain - Farhad Hamrah

Mount Damavands height is 4667 meters and its 12th highest mountain in the world.

Notice that you need equipment and knowledge of climbing for ascending.

Damavand - Iran Mountaineering & Sport Climbing Federation
I. R. Iran Mountaineering & Sport Climbing Federation

Youll find the path to mount Damavand very beautiful so theres no need to climb.

Frozen waterfall

Frozen waterfall

There`s a frozen waterfall located at the southern part of mount Damavand which has various height of 7 to 12 meters and 3 meters width. It`s situated at an altitude of 5100 meters which highest waterfall from the sea level in middle east.

This waterfall is permanently frozen. In summer, during noon, the temperature increases to upper zero degrees so a small amount of water flows. Still, at about 4 in the afternoon, the temperature decreases back to below zero degrees so the melted ice freezes again and this is how a frozen waterfall is made.

There`s a pit above the waterfall which is covered by snow, all year long.

On your way to Damanvand you`ll pass through these locations.
Damavand Lar plain  - Farhad Hamrah

Lar plain

It is one of the most beautiful plains of Iran which is located between Tehran and Mazandaran.
Lar plain has always been cynosure due to its pleasant and cool climate, great landscapes, yellow flowers and poppies, and plenty of springs. It also used to be the royal hunting ground.

Div Asiab spring

Div Asiab spring

This spring is located at a plain on the hillside of mount Damavand, surrounded with flowers.
Overtime, a small lake was created because of the spring and it has a great view of other mountains.

Lar dam

Lar dam - Damavand
Photo By Photo-aks.com

It is one of the embankment dams that supply drinkable water to villages around Damavand and it`s also being used as a fish farm and a place for fishing and water sports.
In April, poppies surround the lake and make a wonderful view.


It`s a small city in southeastern Damavand that is known for its hot spring and pristine nature.
Climbers usually go to Larijan after climbing mountains around, like Damavand, to rest in the hot spring.

Damavand - Rine - Alireza Javaheri
Photo By Alireza Javaheri
Damavand - Nandal - Farhad Hamrah
Rine city, Nandal and lasem village are tourist attractions on the way to Damavand.
What can you see ?Waterfall, forest, spring, river, mountains
Where you can see ?Mazandaran province
Closest City, village ?Polur city
How much time from closest village ?Three hours
Where to stay ?Native residence
Place for camping?Yes
Who to access ?Hiking, motorcycles, off-road cars
What you need ?Anti-bite and sting cream, sun protection cream, camping equipment (like tent, sleeping bag, etc.)
What to wear ?Spring: having a light weighted jacket
Summer: pants and t-shirt
Fall and winter: heavy weighted jacket
When to travel ?Spring and summer
Access way

Lar national park, Polur city, Ab Ali road.

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